It's finals week! Only five celebrities are left, but tonight two will leave the jungle! Who will make it to the grand finale? I'm a Celebrity continues live from the African jungle!
It's finals week and the celebrities are feeling the pressure with eliminations every single night! I'm A Celebrity continues live from the African jungle!
It's finals week and the celebrities are feeling the pressure with eliminations every single night! I'm A Celebrity continues live from the African jungle!
It's finals week and the celebrities are feeling the pressure with eliminations every single night! I'm A Celebrity continues live from the African jungle!
Whatever Floats Your Boat. In a dark and mysterious cave on the jungle river, there are stars to be won, but it won't be a relaxing cruise in this old leaky boat.
Block-Bug-Ster Video. Get out the popcorn, this is the must see trial of the summer. The teams go head to head and there'll be plenty of action, heaps of drama and stacks of comedy.
Hole Lotta Trouble. It's a head to head trial as the celebs go digging for gold! There's plenty of gold in the hellholes, but unfortunately for the celebs, there's plenty of other things in those hellholes too!