In a Christmas Special Millie explores a hedge maze, Clarence goes to a koala hospital, Sophie makes Christmas gifts for growing and Hannah tours a farm with a holistic approach.
Summer: Country garden and tropical treats. Sophie takes a look at a country garden, Jane visits a program for gardeners with autism, Josh goes to a Verticordia garden and Jerry shares his pineapple knowledge.
Spring: Native plant design and rental tips. Clarence visits a garden transformed with native plants, Sophie gives us her best rental garden tips and Millie visits a community doing great things with silverbeet.
Spring: Classic French design and grevilleas. Jane re-visits a garden designed in a classic French-style, Costa meets a funnel-web expert and Tammy refreshes pot plants.
1500th Episode Celebration. Costa looks back at gardening on the ABC, Jane visits a garden village, Clarence sees an Aboriginal-owned botanic garden, Sophie learns about maizes, Josh re-visits his own gardens and Millie walks a dementia-friendly trail.
Spring - pretty perennials & awesome orchids. Hannah explores a perennial paradise, Sophie and Costa find horticultural gems at the show and Tammy mounts orchids onto a feature log.
Spring: Vegies in pots, leeks & bamboo. Jerry goes to a bamboo nursery, Jane looks at flowering native shrubs, Costa grows crops in pots and Clarence prunes native shrubs.
Spring: Rhododendrons & surprising natives. Costa tours a rhododendron garden, Jerry surprises us with natives, Josh investigates a new pest beetle and Clarence visits a garden embracing local ecology.
Spring: Tropical treasures & joyful gardens. Jane visits vibrant laneway gardens, Costa meets a psychiatrist who studies gardening and Sophie delves into blueberry varieties.