Grand Final Week Continues. Reno Rumble is in full swing and the couples are cranky with each other with two entire houses due to be completed in just two days. One team is so far over budget that they're at risk of being disqualified.
Grand Final Week Front & Back. The Reno Rumble final challenge is here and it's massive. The Red Backs and Blue Tongues are renovating identical side by side houses.
Grand Final Week First Room Reveals. A disastrous phone call stops one team in their tracks as the clock ticks down to the first room reveals in Grand final week. The judges are blown away by the results as Scotty reveals the scores and a game changing twist.
Grand Final Week Bedrooms Continue. The two remaining teams must bring something special to the grand final week. One contestant orders fifteen skylights for their home, in an attempt to have the upper hand with the judges. Another struggles to keep all the original features in their home.
Seddon - Grand Final Week Begins. After a gruelling double elimination, our two remaining teams begin the grand final. The teams have similar briefs this week from our lucky homeowners. Early planning and good communication are what the teams need on the first day.
Semi-Final 72-hour Challenge. The seventy-two hour challenge begins. Josh and Jenna aren't seeing eye to eye on measurements, and one team struggles so much with the budget that they are forced to re-think the furniture for their rooms.
Semi-Final Bedroom Reveals. Tonight there's a mad dash to finish the first rooms as all the teams work through the night. The hard work pays off as the judges love all the rooms and both teams receive a much appreciated award.