After travelling 60 years back in time, the Ferrones forge into the future and get a glimpse of what may likely be on our plates. The family also reflect on the impact the experiment has had on their lives.
The 2000s. Olympic star Liesel Jones arrives at the house for beef sliders. Olivia is excited to plant herbs after meeting Stephanie Alexander. And with food costs escalating, Carol is overwhelmed by her visit to Foodbank.
It's the 90s and the Ferrone family's palate goes on a culinary tour as they experience the changing face of Aussie cuisine with the 'new' flavours of Vietnamese foods, and the 'old' wisdom of indigenous cooking.
It's the 80s, a decade of big hair & a booming economy. Our family experience nouveau cuisine & check out the Atkins & Pritikin diets. Plus the coming of the microwave means the sharing a home-cooked meal begins to disappear.
It's the 1970's in the Ferrone household & that means flared pants, moustaches & lots of orange. It's the decade of the women's movement and Carol gets a job while Julian and Peter are introduced to the world of the 'Ocker'.
The 1960s bring great change to Australian families. The dinner table is the hub of conversation about the role of young women in work & education. While 'housewives' start experimenting with exotic new dishes like Chinese!
In an emotion packed opening episode, the Ferrone family set off on their time travelling experiment. Starting in the 1950s, their modern house is now unrecognisable and the bland British food they must eat is nothing like their global contemporary diets.
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