can you please post season 5 with dan as a contestant can’t get it in the US
Amazon Prime have the Block season 1-12 (in the uk) if not search online as there is a guy who posted the seasons in reddit I think, search The.Block.AU.S08E49, that might bring something up as this the file name that I have in my downloads
While some of the Block seasons are available on Amazon Prime, they have numbered them incorrectly. Nobody seems to be streaming the original season 6 All Stars 2013 or Season 8 Fans vs Faves 2014 I think. I’d love to see those too!
I love both The Block NZ and Australia and have watched every season that I could find. Please, please give us more!!!!!
Missing the House Rules episodes! What is happening, please?
Yes please
I strongly second the idea of the other seasons of “The Block”, as many of us have seen (repeatedly) the seasons you have on offer. Would be thrilled to see the rest, as they don’t seem to be available anywhere else. Thanks!
The Block is one of my most favourite shows! Thank you for posting so many seasons of it. I have watched all of the ones that you’ve posted so far. The seasons I have not seen yet are 7-10. Is there any chance these could be posted in the future? Thanks so much for considering!
Can anyone let me know how I can watch season 8 first all stars season in the US