The Grand Final of the fastest show on the planet is here. The last players standing will take home a life-changing $100,000 prize money as well as the title of Australia’s first Ultimate Tag Champion
Ultimate Tag’s Semi-Finals continue as Player vault, dodge, tumble and dive their way through epic three-dimensional courses to earn a place in the final game and be crowned Ultimate Tag champion.
The high-octane thrills, spills and physically spectacular feats of the Ultimate Tag Semi-Finals continue as the universally loved game we grew up with is transformed into a turbo-charged tournament.
The Ultimate Tag Semi-Finals are here. Everyday Aussies tackle thrilling new obstacles courses as they go up against the fittest, fastest and fiercest Pro Taggers competitors in the country.
It’s the final chance to make the Ultimate Tag Semi-Finals as Players, everyday Aussies from all walks of life must avoid being tagged at all cost, leading to thrills, spills and awe-inspiring skills.
Tonight, new courses and explosive new thrills are revealed in the Ultimate Tag arena as Players fight for a place in the Semi-Finals and the chance to take home a life-changing $100,000 prize money.
Fast, furious and fierce competition returns to the Ultimate Tag course as more everyday Players attempt to evade the clutches of elite Pro Taggers. Tonight, The Wall stands between Players and the...
The fastest game on the planet is about to take over Australia! Ultimate Tag is a high-octane physical competition that takes your favourite childhood game to incredible new heights.
The fastest game on the planet is about to take over Australia. Ultimate tag is a high-octane physical competition that takes your favourite childhood game to incredible new heights.
The fastest game on the planet is about to take over Australia! Ultimate Tag is a high-octane physical competition that takes your favourite childhood game to incredible new heights.
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